
Mostrando entradas de 2018

My final film opening

Here is my final film opening, it took a lot of time and effort, I hope you enjoy it.

evaluation question 1

How does your product use or challange convations and how dose it represent social groups or issues?

evaluation question 2

How does your product engage whit audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

evaluation quuestion 3

How did your poduction skills develop thoughout this project?

evaluation question 4

How did you integrate technologies, hardware, software and online, in this projet?

Preliminary task

Working on titles

Working on titles In today´s class I have been thinking for posible titles for the movie. I have become with a lot of ideas like; The exchange, Kidnaped, The siege, Side effects, All or nothing, Consequences... Finally I opted for  " The Exchange " becouse is the one that best suits the histoy of the movie, and also becouse is a comecial name.

Preliminary film opening

Here is my final film opening, it took me a lot of time and effort, I hope you enjoy it.

feed back from audiences

I showed to a friend of mine the final film opening, here is his feed back.

promotion of the movie

Anaylisis of The Walking Dead

Anaylisis of The Walking Dead In the first scene we can see Here we can see a man gagged an with a wound on the face that bleeds, Looking at the back we can deduce that they are in a industrial warehouse. Hes clothes look old an dirty, this scene is a miduim shot.