
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018

My final film opening

Here is my final film opening, it took a lot of time and effort, I hope you enjoy it.

evaluation question 1

How does your product use or challange convations and how dose it represent social groups or issues?

evaluation question 2

How does your product engage whit audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

evaluation quuestion 3

How did your poduction skills develop thoughout this project?

evaluation question 4

How did you integrate technologies, hardware, software and online, in this projet?

Preliminary task

Working on titles

Working on titles In today´s class I have been thinking for posible titles for the movie. I have become with a lot of ideas like; The exchange, Kidnaped, The siege, Side effects, All or nothing, Consequences... Finally I opted for  " The Exchange " becouse is the one that best suits the histoy of the movie, and also becouse is a comecial name.

Preliminary film opening

Here is my final film opening, it took me a lot of time and effort, I hope you enjoy it.