
Mostrando entradas de 2017


SIERRA DE RETIN Get to know the place. Is located in the south of the province of cadiz, is a natural place where militars do maneuvers but they let ranchers have their cows there becouse ther is a lot of food for them. There is a grat variety of fauna and flora, wooded places, plais, roads, a river... Is a great place to film any type of movie; action, drama, terror, thrillers, comedy... It has good angles and very beautifull landscapes, pecfect for us. These are the views from the top Militar activities Here we can see it on the map

Filming timetable

Here you cand find out the days that we will be filming: Dates Location Props Actors 05 February Sierra de Retin. A gun Manu 06 February Sierra de Retin. A money bag Blewess & Manu. 07 Frebuary Sierra de Retin. A gun & money bag Blewes & Manu

Risk assessment

Risk evaluation In today´s class I have been thinking the main problems that could happen during the filming of the movie. My movie is going to be recorded in Sierra de Retin (Barbate), in the moutain so the problems that we could have can be: ·          The camera can fall and maybe it braks. ·          Some actors can fall during the filming time. ·          To really get lost in the middle Retin. ·          Have problems with the weather or the wind that could be one of the most important problems problems . what is the risk ? Who is the risk? Type of risk, High or Low ? How to avoid the risk? The camera can fall and maybe it breaks. Manu Low Be careful where the camera is located. Some actors can fall during the filming time. Manu & Blewess High Look carefully where walk. To really get lost in the middle of Retin. Manu & Blewess Low. Know well where we ar

Customes & makeup

CUSTOMES & MAKEUP In todays class I have been choosing the characters and their custumes. The main character will be wearing a black outfit with black trousers, dark jaket, dark choes.

Plots ideas

In the following picture I am going to show you guys the diffeterts types of ideas that I had for the movie.


LOGO In todays class I have been working in the logo for our production company movie. This is my logo

Research on editing techniques

EDITING TECHNIQUES Film editing is the stage in the film-making process, in which sound and images are organised to construct an over all narative. Editing can be used to construct representations by: The pace of editing (fast paced - young, energetic, slow-old) Contrasting characters or settings ( crosscutting, shot/reverse shot) Creating links between characters or settings. Chowing us what a character is looking at. Showing us what a character is thinking about. Cutting The process where one shot is replaced on screen immediatly by the next. Shot/reverse shot Cutting back and forth between people in a conversation. this is used to make the viewer feel a part of the conversation between the characters. Crosscutting Crosscutting is the editing that alternates shots of two or more lines of action occurring in different places, usually simultaneously. Fade out/ Fade in Fade out is when the scene fades out to a blank sc

Research on sounds

SOUNDS FILM SOUND AND MUSIC Sound, voice and music are integral to most films and/or film viewing experiences. Even the earliest silent films were often shown with live musical accompaniment. Sound enhances the imaginary world, it can provide depth, establish character and environment, introduce a new scene or cue the viewer to important information. We have organized the page according to the following categories: sound source, sound editing and film music. SOUND SOURCE Diegetic vs. Non-Diegetic Sound Diegetic sound is any sound that the character or characters on screen can hear. So for example the sound of one character talking to another would be diegetic. Non-diegetic sound is any sound that the audience can hear but the characters on screen cannot. Any appearance of background music is a prime example of non-diegetic sound. This clip from Edgar Wright’s Shaun of the Deadsimultaneously depicts both diegetic and non-diegetic sound. The sounds of the characters speaking,

Research on camera angles

Camara angles High angle A high angle, shows the object or person from above. for example the camera is angled down towards the person or object. this creates an effect of diminishing the character, making them appear less powerful . Low angle The low angle shot, shows a character or object from below, making them feel more powerful and dominant. The background of this shot tends to be sky or ceiling, this adds desorientation to the viewer. Eye-level angle This angle is the most common, being the real-world angle that we are all used to, it shows subjects as we would expect to see them in real life. It is a fairly neutral shot. Canted angle A camera angle which is deliberatly slanted to on side, sometimes used for dramtric effect to help portray unease, desorientation desperate action etc.

Research on mise-en-scene

MISE-EN-SCENE Today our teacher have show us a video about mise-en-scene is explained really well soy a decided to put it on my blog asking him permision ofcourse.

Meet my team

Meet my team I decided to be alone but I will have some friends helping me with the movie.

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my page, this is where I will be posting all my work from as media studies. My class of 8 has been divided into three groups. I am in a group of 3 with Lucia Galvez, Francesca challinor and my self. We are going to work as hard as we can in order to get a good grade.

Research on camera shots

Today in class we have look at different camara shots. CAMERA SHOTS Camara angles and movements combine to create a secuence of images, just as words, word order and punctationcombineto to make the meaning of a sentence. Yu need a straightfordward set of key terms to described them. Extreme wide shot the view is so far fron the sugect that isn`t even visible.  Often used as an stablishing shot. Very wide shot The subjet is visible (barely), but the emphasis still on placing him his enviroment. Wide shot The subject up the full frame, or at least a much as comfortably possible. Mid shot Shows some part of the subject in more detail while still giving  an impression of the whole subject. Medium close shot half way between a mid shot an close up. Close up A certain feature or part of the subject takes up the whole frame. Extreme Close up The ECU gets right in and shows extreme detail. Cut in 

Research on film genres

Today in class we have analise the different types of film generes Comedy Action Adventure Horror Sience Fiction Drama DRAMA. Drama films are about serious matters that are not supposed to make people laugh or make them feel especially happy. SCIENCE FICTION. A literary or cinematic genre in which fantasy, typically based on speculative scientific discoveries or developments, enviromental changes, space travel, or life on other planets, forms part of the plot or background. ADVENTURE. These type of films are mostly set in period background  and can include adapted stories of historical or fictional  adventure heroes within the historical context. HORROR. A film in which scary and terrifying  things  occur  usually  with supernatural  or unnatural  events happen. ACTION. Is a film with a fast-moving plot,  which usually tends to create impact of the  spectators.  a subgenre of this